The Anvil, Bournemouth Mongol General: What is best in life?Conan: To crush your enemies, to see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentations of their women. And to play HUGE riffs at a MASSIVE volume!
This week we have been listening to, amongst others…
South of Salem
Archie Raye & The Flutterbies
The Lonely Surf
Pylon Poets
Nick Capaldi
These Wicked Rivers
October Drift
Regional One
Ben Francis
Bamboo Vipers
The Two Man Travelling Medicine Show
The Surge
The Now
Bitter Self Exploitment
• Brunny Folk Club (Allendale Centre CafĂ©)
• Milk & Two (Black Dog (Weymouth))
• Inn in the Park Monday Night jazz (Inn in the Park)
• Open Mic Night (Railway Inn (Winchester))
• Open Mic Night (Buffalo Bar)
• Open Mic Night (Casemates Studios & Cafe)
• Open Mic Night (Blue Boar)
• Conrad Bar's Solid Air (Chaplin's Cellar Bar)
Wednesday (2025-Mar-12)
Thursday (2025-Mar-13)
Friday (2025-Mar-14)
Saturday (2025-Mar-15)
Sunday (2025-Mar-16)
The Anvil, Bournemouth Mongol General: What is best in life?Conan: To crush your enemies, to see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentations of their women. And to play HUGE riffs at a MASSIVE volume!
The Anvil, Bournemouth
The Anvil, Bournemouth 7th March 2014 Bringing their own brand of Punked-up Rock ‘n’ Roll to the Anvil on March the 7th are London based Turbogeist.
Rainbow, were one of the most iconic bands to ever grace the boards in the late Seventies/early Eighties.
The Anvil, Bournemouth Saturday night and it was the second concert put on by Southern Doom Crew but officially the first of many that they have planned for the future.
The Anvil Southern Doom Crew presents their second offering of some of the country’s best Doom Stoner bands on the 18th of Jan at the Anvil.
For three thousand years an unearthly silence had hung in the air across the mountainous realm of Othac-hor. When one walked over the rough terrain, footsteps were muffled as if the very ground were made from cotton wool, rather than loose gravel and stone.
Old Fire Station, Bournemouth Fashionably late as usual I got to the Old Fire Station at 7.15 and just caught the tail end of Voodoo Vegas’s set.
The Anvil, Bournemouth Hell Yeah! I was waiting for this gig for ages, Texan Hard Rockers Honky returning to the Anvil. The chance to wear my battered straw cowboy hat out and not look too stupid, as the main band where wearing Stetsons. Plus it came in the middle of Movember so I had a […] ↓ Read the rest of this entry…
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