Hangover Hill Presents “Live & Unheard”
While Chinners in away earning brownie points while taking his son to see “Cradle of Filth” in London, I’ve been handed the baton to tell you about this month’s “Live & Unheard”. On the first dark Thursday since the clocks went back, you could have been forgiven for staying home in the cosy warm this Hallowe’en but what a mistake that would have been! Live and Unheard October delivers yet another cracking night of three very different but original performances. The Sherling Studio is a well-equipped smallish studio is a floor-based stage surrounded on three sides with rising audience seating and it feels more up close and personal for both the artists and the audience. Yesterday both were left with nowhere to hide. These monthly, often eclectic, collections of performers are special and last night was no exception where there were a few tricks and some lovely musical treats. A slightly late Si Genaro, appropriately dressed as ‘the joker’ for this All Hallows Eve hosted the ‘party’ in his inimitable style, the event itself put on by Matt Black & Mel Beurkhauer of Hangover Hill Records.
We kicked off with Sleepy Jake, to be known going forward as Jacob Stansbury. A lot of his songs talked about home and his friends and the people around him, most of whom came along to support last night. He certainly looked at home. A gentle introduction to the evening with some Sleepy Jake tunes, a stripped back acoustic version of “Today” you give me That Feeling, a lilting song that drew you in. His body did not stop moving with his music and he was fully engrossed in his art. After his second song he switched into his newer Jacob Stansbury set list. Equally as chilled and mesmerising to watch. Using his bare feet, Jacob used his foot pedals to slowly layer his songs and as they grew, his voice did to. Sometimes almost a whisper to start, he intermingled both English and Spanish to create a vibe that entranced everyone. His used all parts of his guitar to make beats and accents to his voice and the main lyrics, giving us something truly original to listen to. With the self-reflective nature of his songs, and asking us to take moments of quiet reflection, to be aware of our own heartbeats, it was an emotional performance and his proud mum in the audience received a heartfelt thank you for being amazing. It felt like an honest, authentic performance. Jacob is running his own event @The Old School House space in Boscombe with breathwork, meditation, cacao and food on Saturday the 13th November and he’d love you to join him.
Electronique – a name derived from a love of electronic but original music – electronic and unique. Paul developed his love of this style of music when it began and back in the 80’s played as a two-piece band until he took a break in 1991. He started again in 2023 and with the help of Julia on keys and backing vocals and Barbara on electric violin, transported us back to a time of synthesizers and electronic beats, reminiscent of Pet Shop Boys, Roxy Music, New Order, Dead or Alive and so many others as listed by Si Genaro at the end of the set. I had been trying to put my finger on who it reminded me of….. We kicked off with Not so Nice, heavy synth sounds and electric violon immediately setting the beat, with a mix of Pauls vocal in normal and extra-terrestrial form. “Cradle” was an early Electronique release, now with extra piano and soulful backing vocals from Julia. At a time when we are seeing terrible conflicts around the world, Paul chose from his back catalogue “Forward cries the Captain”, which he wrote during the Falklands conflict. A dark, haunting song that he said could have been written for now. They finished with three more songs back-to-back, finishing with Heartbeat and again the time went all too quickly. A happy flashback to the music of my teenage years. You can find Electronique at the Duke of Cornwall, Vinolo, Gloucester and other venues in Weymouth throughout November and December.
After a short break, the multi-cultural Tuto Tribe brought the party to the room with a demand for all to stand and dance from the very first note of “Lets Samba Rock It!” We were soon all involved as tambourines and other percussion were handed out for us to all join in with and Tuto had us all singing along. If I had been feeling a little tired (been a long week!) I was certainly energised when they drew it to a close an hour later! Of Brazilian and Italian heritage, it was clear to hear both influences in the fusion of music, amongst many others! Having grown up involved with music in Brazil, Tuto left his home and via many cities in Europe, settled in Southampton. Starting as a solo artist, he soon started collecting musicians and the Tribe was born. The hugely talented band moved around the room and got right up close with the audience, with sax solos from the stairs, Cyprus Mike on bass handing out all manner of percussion and at one point Richard on Sax leading a conga with most of the audience! We were treated to an advanced performance of their new single, due to be released on November 29th at Harmony House in Southampton. Whilst the final mash up was not strictly an “original” the delivery of it certainly was and the room was dancing. Energy was high and fun was had.
Thanks once again go to the team at the lighthouse, who always deliver, Tonya and Sam on sound and lights.
Set Lists
Sleepy Jake/Jacob Stansbury
Today you give me that feeling (SJ)
After All (SJ)
Buritaka (JS)
Love Fear (JS)
The Maze (JS)
Stillness (JS)
Not so Nice
We can do it
Power Song
Best of Lives
Forward Cries Captain
Need to Know
Where Am I
Tuto Tribe
Let’s Samba Rock it
Infinito Particular
A Felicidad Pode Ser Voce
Meia Velha
Arms Around the Child
Cittadino del Mondo
Carta de Amor
Nada sera Tudo
Another Cowboy in Storm
Tudo ok no UK
Gotta Gotta Go
A Lua e o Sol
Frevo Paulista
Next Month’s “Live and Unheard” is on the Thursday 28th November, featuring Who’s Amy, Carley Varley and Revenant, you can purchase your
tickets here.
Article by Maria Primmer
Photography by Lynn Burt