So; it’s that time of year again – those prolific Midlands fun-Punkers Dirt Box Disco release another album’s worth of anthems for the ears of the general public and us reviewers alike. Belt up, strap in and brace yourselves – I give you “Rokapokalips”!!
The album opens with the blunt and direct “Bollocks”. That Dirt Box Disco template is in full swing early doors with the refrain “Mothafucka”, allied to a furious beat. Bollocks takes a poke at our Woke Society with a furious beat and a catchy, infectious chorus. Confident, audible vocals are hollered with spite and fury while the obligatory noodle fest makes a comeback not once, but twice!! Maff’s snare bashing is furious throughout while “Danny Fingers” and “Deadbeats Chris” fret away. Those throbbing basslines are only bettered by Danny’s squally noodling in the second bridge. The lyric “Hashtag, what a load of Bollocks – hashtag, what a load of shit” is instantly drilled into one’s senses and will be screamed back at the band in live arena’s countrywide.
Title track “Rokapokalips” is an altogether Radio-Friendly little number full of melody and big hitting, and clanging guitar notes. The chorus suggests “We Won’t Quit” so Hooray for that! Self-congratulatory but nothing wrong in that, it’s your happy-go-lucky Punk/Pop song.
“Cinderella’s Motorhead Tattoo” is a tad repetitive in the chorus but it’s that classic 2.5 minute Punk epic one would expect to find among this collection. It’s a racy little number full of skewed humour; replete with noodling, vomiting guitars and more ferocious hitting. With each bridge comes another squall-fest that tries to outdo the previous effort, but the song ends sharply.
“Kill The Music” is somewhat contradictory? “Kill the music and I wanna Dance…” – the end of the night at the local disco when the DJ calls time maybe, or just a fertile imagination – you decide? The noodling bridge precedes a Glam-stomping, self-congratulatory burst before the song returns! It’s Glam/Punk yet fun, with repetition aplenty and Spunk’s hilarious outro…

“I Don’t Wanna Go Out With You” is a personal song, delivered vocally over a chugging New Wave (Old Wave) beat. Heartfelt and personal but lyrically won’t win any awards, plus the obligatory noodling!! I find the echo-fed vocal ending a tad odd and lyric repetition and longevity in abundance – killer it ain’t…
Chiming guitar notes open “Happy Pills” and a welcome return for the woah’s. Not quite the expectant pill-popping song, more a health remedy!! Self-reflective maybe but with one eye on humour. “I Love it most when I Overdose” – Really, I doubt it?! Another dose(sic) of repetition to finish but I guess when you’re in the moment…
“Land of Hope and Glory” is a song written about our once great British Isles. The song’s pace returns to a familiar speed with all the DBD elements one has come to expect – stretched guitar chords, heavy hitting, flabby basslines and who cant fail to like a song with the line ‘this Great Britain’s going down the shitter’ in the lyrics?! But; at a risk of repeating oneself, the choruses at the end are overlong and unnecessary.
“Spoilt Brat” – classic Dirtbox, observational and funny but direct as fuck!! An observation on today’s lazy youth with every issue covered. This is classic Punk Rock, delivered at breakneck speed with a shout a long chorus; huge hitting and winding, squally guitars. The chorus is anthemic and just made for the live arena.
“Up The Dirtbox” – well I did wonder when a track like this would surface, so I guess we the listeners aren’t disappointed. It ain’t pulling any punches here but one can’t listen to the song without a wry smile! Another one for the live arena methinks, anthemic and humorous.
“We’re Not Taking Any Shit” has an almost military sound musically, with a down-turned tempo. Once again it’s a statement song that pulls no punches. Latterly it livens up which would suggest it’s maybe a set closer during live shows…..
So, Dirt Box Disco’s prolific song writing and musical output shows no sign of ending anytime soon. Ok so there’s one or two songs here that have a flavour of the past, but what band doesn’t look to its past? I guess the trick is always to try and re-invent as a band but this quartet were never going to do that. As they continue their live assault up and down the length of the British Isles, here are one or two bangers to add to the set list. Nothing particularly new but nothing to dislike for fans old and new. And with Mr.SV’s side project (The Eruptions) showing no sign of quitting then one can assume there’s plenty more in the tank.
Track Listing
Cinderella’s Motorhead Tattoo
Kill The Music
I Don’t Wanna Go Out With You
Happy Pills
Land of Hope and Glory
Spoilt Brat
Up the Dirtbox
We’re Not Taking Any Shit
Review by Ross a. Ferrone