Collaborations between artists bring together untapped and undiscovered creative abilities. They can pull acts out of their comfort zones and produce something quite unexpected. Two such aspiring local acts have pooled together their own significant resources and put out a new single that is going to surprise and astound. Music producer, singer/songwriter and multi-instrumentalist Jordan Ayriss has cross-pollinated with Emily Howells & Taya Minchington of Opalities to deliver a new single “Sit Down & Shut Up”.
The track was brought together at “Absolute Music Studios”, where both Jordan and Emily produced the track. The two have been wanting to write a song together for a long time and both work together as engineers at Absolute. One evening they decided to stay behind in the studio with some guitars and a ‘Logic Pro’ (Digital Audio Workstation) open to see where it went. The majority of the song was written in that one evening. Emily came up with the main bassline which was later recorded by Taya. The track also features Jordan’s brother Damien on drums.

The track features a collision of a host of different genres to create something that has a really unique sound. It has a partly synthetic Industrial sound, along with elements of 90’s Grunge. There is a mixture of opposing basslines, along with cleverly enhanced guitar sounds. The electronic intro leads into a driving wall of sound before Emily’s powerful voice radiates over the instrumentation. Jordan’s enhanced vocals intensely take over and are a stark contrast. “Sit Down, Shut Up” brings together both acts with great success on generating a huge tune that most certainly deserves some mainstream coverage.
Words by David Chinery (Chinners)