Singer/songwriter Rusty Apper has recently released a new single entitled “Wrong Side”, his first release since 2016. The track was originally written for his band Gecko in 2011 and it has been floating about in various demo forms until now. Rusty has finally recorded a version that he is more than happy to release.
He explains ” basically during the lockdown period, I decided I was going to record some new material; simply as I had the time and the songs were starting to come together. I have had the music for this track down but I wasn’t sure about the content yet so I revisited a couple of old lyrics and “wrong side of the law” was the original title. There was also a middle 8 that I cut out and decided to stick with this pumping, almost stoner rock vibe. The opener and ender were something fresh I wrote that I felt gave it a doomy “end of the world” kind of vibe. I laid down the drums and then got my friend/collaborator Freddy Spera (Novacrow) on bass and also recruited Thomas Junior Anderssen (Kamchatka) on lead guitar”.
The track is the first release from Rusty’s forthcoming album “The Devils Work”. The “Wrong Side” as its creator explains is about “avoiding the straight and narrow. Lyrically, I had a lot of fun writing this song and it always stuck with me. Ever since 2011 I tried to approach a fun play-on-words kind of playful vibe, from a guy who knows he’s nothing more than a dirty dog! The line “if you see me old man, he is looking for me, tell him that I just gone shootin'” was a nod to Stef Richfield from Gecko, back in the day. He always told me I should cover “Gone Shootin'” by AC/DC. This line just stuck in my head”.
“Wrong Side” is a powerful piece with lots going on to keep the listener interested, it features many creative styles and has lots of different levels to it that creates a thoroughly atmospheric vibe. The track soars along with the considerable skills of the players coming together, creating an intensive slice of Alt/Rock. Rusty’s uncompromising vocals deliver the significant blows, while Thomas Juneor Anderssen’s beautifully effect-driven guitar provides some wondrous moments; ably combining with Freddy’s powerful basslines. If the new album is going to be along these lines, Rock fans should be excited to hear what else Senior Apper has up his sleeve for the album.
Drums/Vocals by Rusty Apper
Bass by Famous Monsters/Novacrow player Federico “Freddy” Spera
Thomas Juneor Anderssen on Lead guitar (Of Swedish Stoner/Blues/Rock giants KAMCHATKA)
Spotify link here.
Words by David Chinery (Chinners)