It’s 2020 and those Midlands funsters Dirt Box Disco are back with album number eight. Not deterred by the departure of long-standing frontman Weab, the remaining four re-grouped, got down to business and wrote a clutch of new songs for this release. Mr. Spunk Volcano assumes vocal duties from now on, and is principal songwriter. One would think they might be feeling jaded; long in the tooth maybe, but this man is a “song-writing machine” churning out song after song for not one band but two. Let’s just concentrate on the matter in hand though. “TV Sex Show” – oh go on then.
It opens with an acapella intro before their now trademark guitars kick in. Maff’s (drums) power hitting in the background matches the guitar power of Spunk (l.vox/guitar) and Danny (lead guitar). Lyrically an observation of life with Spunk taking the main vocal, giving it a more polished feel. In fact I would even go as far as to say radio-friendly (perish the thought)! That DBD staple the noodly bridge once again shows its face before an echoey return to the chorus. The guitars meanwhile keep building right until the end. ‘Insomniac’ bursts into life with a thudding bass (Deadbeatz) and thunderous drums. More noodling and a clear yet layered vocal and one assumes another wonderful piece of pure fiction. It’s another 90mph banger, a slightly tongue in cheek ode to a lady no doubt.
More chugging chords on “Barebones”, matched to heavy snare-pounding. A bit pedestrian lyrically, it wont win lyric of the year – however, it has the feel of a live favourite in the making. “I Want Out” is both heartfelt and honest, I wonder if it’s about a loved one? It’s much slower, more melodic; a complete departure from most of their previous output. The noodly bridge is replaced with chiming chords, which accompany that heartfelt chorus to its conclusion.

“Dickhead And The Hype” begins all Buzzcocks guitars with an anthemic chorus to match – another in the long line of DBD singalongs. Huge hitting, big loud vocals and yet more multi-layered noodling in the bridge. “The Count Of Monte Cristo Lives In San Francisco” has another slow entry point that is just waiting to explode. More layering amid the slow/fast formula with a tongue in cheek lyrical slant. It’s the longest working title and the most bizarre track on here, but not out of place.
“Reminisce” returns to the power with those scuzzy guitars, chunky bass and thudding drums. The squally guitars can be heard through the bridge and beyond. “3 Bottles Down” again starts slow before those scuzzy guitars kick in. Powerful hitting matches the anthemic choruses, but lyrically a song of feeling sorry for one’s self.
“Bitch Full Of Stitches” – ah yes, an ode to a wild female no less! I’m not sure about the “way oh’s”, I don’t get where they fit with the song – otherwise, it’s musically a tight number. “VDTV” on the other hand is a welcome return to the DBD I know best. Shouty choruses, in yer face delivery, spite, anger, thumping drums, fierce guitar lines etc – you get the picture. The chords in the bridge are strained and there are echoes of “King Of The Castle” in the intro, but tell me a band that doesn’t borrow from their past?!
“Simple But Effective” is a racy little number, lyrically clever taking its template from a nursery rhyme. “sing a song of sex pests, politics and shame, four and twenty Punk bands, sounding all the same” and it’s more of the same musically. “Ain’t Life Grand” slows the tempo down once more; slightly maudlin, downtrodden even. It livens up briefly towards the end but fades to nothing.
“Tizwatitiz” is a wonderful play on words chorus-wise, while the guitars remind me of ‘Emotional Blackmail’ (UK Subs). For this reviewer, it’s the standout track. “Wake Up” ends this 14 song collection in anthemic style. Woah’s aplenty; more scuzzy guitars competing with heavy snare hitting and if you were tired of the previous 13 tracks, let this be your “wake up call”. More 70’s guitars, 80’s noodling and it rightfully just fades to its conclusion.
On album number eight there are no real surprises. Despite losing the big fella out front they have regrouped with the template that has served them well this past decade. If you want more of the DBD anthemic singalongs then you won’t be disappointed. In ‘Mr. Volcano’ they have a prolific songwriter were no subjects seem to be off-limits. Ok; so there is cussing aplenty, but this is a Punk band doing what they do best. Don’t expect them to throw in the towel just yet, and judging by these 14 songs there’s plenty in the tank. HOORAY!

Band Members
Spunk Volcano – Guitar/Main Vocals
Maff Fazzo – Drums/Backing Vocals
Danny Fingerz – Lead Guitar/ Backing Vocals
Deadbeatz Chris – bass/ Backing Vocals
Track Listing
I want out
Dickhead and the hype
The count of Monte Cristo lives in San Francisco
3 bottles down
Bitch full of stitches
Simple but effective
Ain’t life grand
CD Only Bonus Tracks
Wake Up
Purchase The Album here.
Review by Ross A. Ferrone.