It has been a while but coming back kicking and screaming out of Southampton come Brash Bullets, with a new frontman and a new style. Forget the past, this is quite some departure – ok so it’s Punk at its heart, but any trace of their recent past seems to have evaporated almost overnight. The EP opens with the rather current title “Say You’re Sick”. Any references to Corona would be wide of the mark though. Strained guitar chords allied to a pained vocal intro combine perfectly before a new sound permeates the senses. Pre-Nevermind Nirvana would be an obvious influence and they have clearly shaken off any Melodic Punk leanings. Every second of the song sounds strained, which I suppose is the point. It’s the perfect opener for any live show and setting out your stall early doors – just brilliant!
“Zoo Event” slows the pace down yet remains Grungey, downturned even. More tortured vocals, thudding guitars and a barrage of sound. The bass throbs in places, the guitars squall and the layered vocal just makes the song rich. As for the lyrical content, well that just seems so irrelevant – but frankly who cares?! And the sharp ending to is truly great.

“Repair Me” stays in the same ballpark but employs a much clearer vocal. A heavy bass compliments an unfussy drumbeat while it really explodes into life midsong, offering hints of Mudhoney with that strained vocal becoming the measure of the mass of sound coating it within. In fact, that vocal lends itself to Johnny Thunders latterly, giving it that slight Punk edge.
“Easy Life” begins mellow enough, the vocal softer but you just know it’s building up some. The perfect antidote to its three predecessors yet fades with the same mellow feel to its conclusion. As a song, it can’t decide whether it’s a full-on Grunge Rocker or stripped back mellow number, set closer even.

Brash Bullets have taken a bold step here, virtually reinventing themselves with a new singer. Richard (vocals) has clearly raided his Dad’s record collection under the ‘Sub Pop’ section and immersed himself in the sounds within. Like I said earlier, it’s Punk at its core as Grunge always was, but they may have struck upon something here that sets them apart from other Punk bands in their city. It remains to be seen if it’s the right move, but the omens are good.
Track listing
Say You’re Sick
Zoo Event
Repair Me
Easy Life
Band members
Caidyn – Bass
Cameron – Guitar
Pickles – Drums
Richard – Vocals
Review by Ross A. Ferrone.