Bournemouth based Rise To Serve formed in June 2013 and have already had a change in personnel. With the departure of Dave Godsell (who is on this EP) and the addition of new guitarist Sam Churches, Andrew Came – Vocals & Guitar, Richard Lawrence ñ Bass & Julian White ñ Drums are currently putting in the time with lots of live shows.
Calling your new EP “Misfire” is a bit risky as you leave yourself wide open to critics saying that you haven’t got it quite right yet. So Iím going to get my only negative out of the way and then crack on with all the positives. I haven’t as yet seen RTS live yet so the vocals might be a whole different animal onstage but I’m afraid that the singing on the EP sounds quite strained. There isn’t much passion going on and it sounds rather forced, almost as if it’s being read off a piece of paper rather than sang from the heart.
I think a large part of it is the recording, as the production over all sounds a bit tinny. This is just my opinion by the way and you know what opinions are like.

On with the positives and the title track “Misfire” kicks in with a sweet Thrash metal riff straight out of the Bay Area handbook and employs some nice synchronised guitar parts and rampant drumming. “Evil Awakes” has a chugging riff very reminiscent of early Anthrax and rocks along at a nice headbanging pace.
Third song on the EP and my favourite play is “Death Waits for Me”. Dipping into the Doom rock pool and emerging with a cool number chock-full of sweet hooks and a catchy-ass riff. Track four pays tribute to the rash of pirate themed bands knocking about at the moment (Alestorm, Red Rum etc..) The Last Buccaneer has the lot. Irish jig, dual guitars intro – check! Killer metal riff – check! Shouty sing-a-long chorus – check! I really liked this track and RTS have pulled out a great swashbuckling sea-shanty here.
The EP also has a sweet bonus cover of Iced Earth’s “The Hunter” to close the proceedings. So, a good first effort by an upcoming band which would have probably been better served (groan) with a more polished recording.
Track Listing
1 – Misfire
2 – Evil Awakes
3 – Death Waits For Me
4 – The Last Buccaneer
5 – The Hunter (Ice Earth Cover)
Words By Dan O’Gara.