Hailing from Norway and sounding like a cross between The Sword and Pink Floyd, Spirits of the Dead have hit on a formula to make people sit up and take notice.
Blending Stoner doom and Prog rock laced with a folk tinge, they have managed to create some wonderful riff laden songs. Here is a classic album in the making, with most tracks weighing in around the 7 min mark and each one top notch, you get mega bang for your bucks. It’s hard to categorise them as you hear a multitude of diverse influences weaving through their music and what great music it is. There is a definite 70’s feel to the whole thing but you can’t lump them in with the many retro bands that are around at the moment. They have their own thing going on here and it is absolutely brilliant to listen to.

Overall the production is superb and makes the musicianship stand out to full effect. This band has shot to the top of my “must see live” list. Stand out tracks for me are: Wheels of the World, Song of many Reefs, Oceanus, Red Death.
Track Listing
Wheels Of The World
Song Of Many Reefs
Golden Sun
Dance Of The Dead
Rumours Of New Presence
Red Death
Band Links
Words By Dan O’Gara.