Usually I use the word “Onslaught”, and it is usually in relation to one of the senses – hearing! These guys take that one step further and then another step.
This album is one slab of anger and aggression from the start and you know they want to pummel you into submission. This is extreme in places, and rough-no doubt this is how they are maintaining their underground origins. But throughout this barrage (makes a change from onslaught) you can hear the skill that these guys have breaking through. All backed up with those they have shared a stage with. Not to mention the support they have received from various radio stations, and their appearances at festivals.

“Drone” was released earlier this month, and it is hard to imagine what this 3 piece can create. If you like your music hard-edged; aggressive, beyond heavy with a touch of avant grade then your speakers have been waiting for these guys to break them.

Following in the same vein as Slipknot, and in places almost reminded of Leechwoman (but it has been a while since I played their album), these guys have shown they have the potential to make it big – if they can just throw in a little something extra to make their sound truly their own.

Line Up
Aran Glover
Pete Currie
Shaun Abbott
This Better Be Life Threatening Norman
Starting Strength
Class of 94
Bunch of Fucking Mutants
The Moon on a Stick
Learning by Doing
Here’s Your Shit Sandwich
Flapjack the Ripper
Words and earplugs by Jon.