In the mood for something a little different? A little off-kilter? A little strange? Well look no further! Christchurch based musician Martin Roberts and his band of zany friends produce a bizarre mixture of lifting melodies and electronic beats, dispersed with random sounds from various second hand children’s instruments and toys purchased from local car boot sales.

At times sounding like Velvet Underground jamming with very early Pink Floyd to the more modern experimental sounds of Damon Alban. This album is a very mellow affair, with the tracks washing over you gently, like sitting in the sea, in the shallows, on a summerís day taking in the sights and sounds of beach life. Martin goes out of his way to push the boundaries of sound, using anything and everything to produce a very extraordinary and original piece of work like no other that you would ever have heard before. Is Martin a genius or is he completely mad I will leave it for you to decide, but I do believe this is a very fine line between insanity and genius and in this music you certainly will find both.

The first track “Rain On Waves” is apparently haunted as weird things happened during the recording of it, “Cat’s Gone Crazy” feature’s meowing noise from a children’s toy along with some incredible keyboards combined with guitar to produce quite an inspirational sound and uplifting sound. “The Lobster” was inspired by the very random purchase of a plastic lobster on wheels from a Car boot sale, this inspiration alone takes the song off in to very unchartered directions. The more conventional sounding “Just One More” shoegazes it’s way with some great sounding New Order style bass lines coupled with some melodic guitar work with some nicely delivered vocals. The whole album is something that is really hard to really describe and each listener will take something different from it. This album is just the tip of the iceberg, as Powdered Cows have a whole back catalogue of music that is available to buy from band’s Bandcamp website (www.powderedcowsmusic.bandcamp.com). The price of the album is just £2.00 or a higher donation if your are feeling generous with all proceeds from sales of any Powdered Cows music go to various animal conservation charities, so buy it kick back and feel good about yourself!

Rain On Waves
Cat’s Gone Crazy
The Lobster
Sounds Of A Pig
Sharks In The Water
Loser Gone Insane
Black Umbrella
Sad Sack
The Panama Settlement
Just One More
Reptile Take-Over
Amongst Martin Roberts many other talents is drawing, Martin can be seen at many local gigs with a sketch book and pencil drawing bands and artist’s, some of his amazing visual work can be found here.
Live at Grooves On The Green 2011
Band Links
Powdered Cows is part of a collective of Space Ace Records.
Words: Dan O’Gara & Chinners
Pictures & Videos: Chinners