The Old Fire Station, Bournemouth

In stark contrast to the Yashin gig here last week when there were only around 50 people. Tonight there are around 350 excited fans all looking forward to an intimate gig by Las Vegas post-hardcore rockers ‘Escape The Fate’ who have chosen the Old Fire Station as the venue to provide a warm up for their performance at the Donnington Download Festival where they will sharing the main stage with Avenged Sevenfold and the mighty System of A Down.
Southampton band The Light Divided take to the stage and are immediately given a very warm welcome from the Bournemouth crowd, the four piece perform a solid set containing some great self written material combining easy listening harmonious vocals with colossal killer guitar rifts that really hit the mark. As the set goes on the atmosphere in the venue really builds with the band warming up the audience well with impressive numbers such as ‘Bad Blood’ and set closer ‘Heavy Now’.
London band ‘Disrupt The Skies’ seem initially shambolic as they start their performance, the soon find their way and use abundant amounts of energy cavorting across the stage, possibly trying a bit too hard to get everybody involved. A hardcore cover of Jesse J’s ‘Do It Like a Dude’ does the trick and gets all the audience singing they words at the tops of their voices, while vocalist Stuart West conducts them.
The last song of the set ‘Honey we have Made it out Alive’ sees everything descend into total chaos, in fact a bouncers nightmare, as Stuart invites the audience to crowd surf upon to the stage and then dive back in afterwards. At the end of the song a dozen or so fans end up staying on the stage in fear of getting hurt by diving on to a hard dance floor. The band leave the stage after having made a whole host of new fans who seem to have already started a campaign in getting them back to gig again in Bournemouth.
At 9:20pm exactly bang on time, the lights go down and the intro ‘Choose Your Fate’ starts, it is really hard to believe as you stand here watching Escape The Fate that their next gig will be in front of over 80,000, how possibly could they prepare for that. There is no doubt that they deserve the slot on the main stage as the performance is absolutely top notch with a collection of songs from all areas of their career delivered in a fast and furious fashion with the band seemingly enjoying every minute. The audience reaction excels anything else from the evening so far, with sizable mosh and circle pits appearing at the centre of the dance floor.
Highlights include the incredible ‘Zombie Dance’ with is epic guitar intro and the fast pace conscience tearing ‘This War’ including some excellent varied vocal work. This was certainly a night that everyone in the audience will remember for some time to come and I will be surprised if we see the headliners in such a small venue as this again.
Intro:Choose Your Fate
Ten Miles
The Flood
Bad Blood
Day Of Wreckoning
Zombie Dance
Gorgeous Nightmare
This War
The Aftermath (G3)
Escape the Fate
Disrupt The Skies
The Light Divided
Words and pictures by Dave Chinery(Chinners).