Green by name and green by nature, Mischa is on a mission to save the earth with just the six strings on his guitar; some uplifting songs and his Merry Men. He has been a long-serving member of the local music community for as long as many can remember and his infectious positivity is always welcome at any music venue or festival. His band is a revolving door of musicians that drop in and drop out of the band at various occasions, so each gig is never the same. To mark one particular moment in time a five-track EP has been released entitled ‘Save Our Souls’ This was put together at the basement studios in Wimborne that have previously delivered many great recordings in the past. The tunes are loads of fun, colourful and uplifting with a serious message behind every song. Mischa is as honest as the day is long and wears his big green heart on his sleeve and if he were a politician I would vote for him for sure. I’m not sure if he would be able to take his guitar into Parliament and deliver his message, but if he could Iím sure people would listen.

The EP starts with the spiritual “Save Our Souls” which bounces along with its infectious brass and piano and Mischa’s vocals stand loud and proud over the top. “Give Green A Chance” pleads for people to be more careful with our collective homes, the tune has a Chas & Dave style bounce to it which delivers the message home perfectly. “What Will Be” turns things around with a slightly slower beat with some amazing ivory work from the very talented Steve Russell.
With track 4 “Give it All” things get a bit progressive starting with some lovely instrumental acoustic guitar work; combined with more dreamy piano, along with some atmospheric cello before Mischa’s familiar vocals and the brass join the party. “Live For Now” concludes with some lovely haunting Saxophone intro’s before the electric and acoustic guitars take over with some irresistible melodic goodness. Politics and music have always gone hand in hand to deliver a message, the message here is clear and if it could get out to a larger audience anything is possible. Vote the “Mischa Party” – they certainly could do better job than the current suits in power.
Mischa and his Merry Men are
Mischa Weston-Green- Vocals & Acoustic Guitar
Ben Jones – Bass & Backing Vocals
Robin Francis – Drums
Olly Hopper-Pay – Lead Guitar & Backing Vocals
Steve Russell – Piano, Keyboards & Backing Vocals
Roland Palmer – Trumpet & Cello
Ellie Pasco – Saxophone
Callum Bowran – Saxophone
Martyn Lee – Mandolin
Save Our Souls
Give Green a Chance
What Will Be
Give it All
Live For Now
Contact bookings@mischaandhismerrymen.co.uk
Words by Dave Chinery (Chinners).